Betekenis van:
back channel

back channel
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • an alternative to the regular channels of communication that is used when agreements must be made secretly (especially in diplomacy or government)
    "they negotiated via a back channel"



    1. The front member must be strain gauged to measure bending moments in three positions, as shown in Figure 9, each using a separate channel. The strain gauges are located on the impactor on the back of the front member.
    2. Moreover, the entity will be a fully fledged banking business that has a well equipped back office, and fully fledged Internet interface with a payments system and is funded by ING. The fact that it does not have a branch network which is typically an essential facility for a banking business in most Member States is at least partially compensated through Internet banking, which is also an important distribution channel for banking products in the Netherlands.